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Home Workout

Donnerstag, 12.11.20


Warm up

- 2x 30 double unders (Pinguin progression)

- 2x 10 Jefferson stretch

- 3x5 tempo Sq 53X0



- DL (odd objects: dog, partner, kid, ...)


- jump over stack of books (or partner,...) use shoes!

on minute: 4, 8,12,16,20​

12 Burpees

Mittwoch, 11.11.20

Warm up:


-  3x30 pinguins (jump rope progressions)

-  2x 10 stripper stretch

-  2x 15 hollow rocks

-  2x8 dive bomber



EMOM 25´

1.  10 Boxjumps (chair,  couch, box,...)

2. 15 roll to candle

3. 15 push press (odd object, eg.: bagpack, bottle, wife, kid, cat, ...)

4.  30 Mt. climbs

5.  rest​

​cool down​

stretch & chill




​Pinguin progression

Dienstag, 10.11.20


Warm up:


-  30 plank jacks


-  30 high knees in place

-  2 x 8 dive bomber

-  2x 8 backextension

-  2x 16 lunges variations



5 rounds

-  30 jumping lunges (1 leg=1)

-  15 handrelease push ups

-  30 V-ups single legs alternating  V-


cool down​


Montag, 09.11.20


Warm up:


-   2x8 stripper strecht


- 12 tempo Sq @53X0

-  shoulder throughs (brommstick)

-  shoulder rotations (back and forth)


EMOM 20´

1.  10 HSPU (or progression from chair)

2.  20 superman rocks

3.   AMRAP burpees, touch the ceiling

4.  20 hollow rocks

5.  10 DL (grap bottles, bagpack, some heavy shit,...) ​

cool down


- legs spread apart, bend to each side and middle

- on back: one leg press into floor, other leg knee towards belly and try to straighten the leg, then switch leg

- couch stretch


-  breathing for six minutes: 

lie on floor, eyes closed, mouth shut, only nosebreathing

breath in for 8,

hold for 7,

exhale for 4,

hold for 7,


If you can´t do that,  go with 4-4-4-4

Sonntag, 08.11.20



Rest Day

Samstag, 07.11.20


Warm up:


-  50 Du´s (progression pinguin, no rope needed)


-  3 rounds à 5 each leg: 1LRDL (choose your weight)

-  3x 6 roll to candle

-  2x 30 sec. Kobra stretch (Yoga pose)


20 Min.  EMOM

1.  12 Hamstring curls (mit Wollsocken auf Laminat oder FLiesen)

2.  Plank Position on hands, shoulder tabs (full minute)

3.   24 skater jumps 

4.  12 superman rocks (back & forth =1)

5.  12 burpees


movement links:

Pinguin progression

Hamstring curl

skater jumps

Freitag, 06.11.20


Warm up:


3 Min.: mobilit for squat

je 3x12je

je 3x12:

- backextensions on floor

- hollow rocks


- handstand push up progression from chair


15 min. AMRAP

- 15 Airsquat (ass to grass)

- 30 V- ups

- 5 HSPU or progression from chair

Cool down

cold shower for 5 minutes


Donnerstag, 05.11.20


Warm up:


2x 45 sec: high knee in place

2x 8 dive Bomber

sit for 5 Min. in "perfect" squat position


24 - 20 - 16 - 12 - 8 - 4

- DL 6er pack water (1,5 L), or backpack

- burpees

Mittwoch, 04.11.20

Warm up:


30  jumping stars

30  Back extensions

30  Hollow rocks

5 - 10 Minuten Dehnen/Mobility



Auf Zeit:

5 Runden

50  Alt. (Jumping) Lunges

40  Sit ups

30  Push Ups

20  Burpees

10  Pistols

Dienstag, 03.11.20


Warm up:


8 Minute Run Slowly-moderate pace


4 Rounds:

10 shoulder circles forward

10 shoulder circles backwards

10 AirSquats

10 PushUps

10 ArmCircles forward

10 Arm Circles backwards

10 Jumping Lunges

10 Lunges Rotate




E1,5 MOM x 3Rounds


30sec. WallSit

30sec. AirSquats

30sec. REST

30sec. Plank hold / Handstand Hold

30sec. Max PushUps /HSPU if possible

30sec. REST



AMRAP 15 Minutes


Mountain Climbs 30x

Overhead 'Reisetasche-Carry‘ 10m (Choose your own weight ;) )

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